Chest Injury Compensation – Claim for an Accident in Bournemouth

Accidents leading to chest injuries are rare, but extremely dangerous. An injury to the chest can lead to organ damage, broken ribs, and even death. It is of the utmost importance that our heart and lungs continue to function uninterrupted, and chest injuries can jeopardise that. If you have suffered from a chest injury in Bournemouth, and are not at fault, you’re likely to have a strong case to claim personal injury compensation. We can help you do this on a no, win, no fee* basis.

To find out if you can claim, as well as how much compensation you could stand to receive, call us on 01202 147 438^ and speak to our friendly team today.

Causes of Chest Injury

Whilst chest injuries can occur from innumerable types of accidents, those that you’re not at fault for are limited in number. This is because you are owed a duty of care by your employer, other road users, and businesses whose premises you are on in Bournemouth. When an accident happens, and you suffer a chest injury as a result, the party at fault has acted negligently. They will need to be held accountable.

Injuries to the Chest from Accidents at Work

Accidents at work are a common way of sustaining personal injuries in Bournemouth, but a chest injury is still a rare thing to happen. In these cases, your employer must have acted negligently. Serious lapses in health and safety are – crushing from falling objects, striking moving machinery, falling from heights, colliding with a work vehicle. Any of these workplace accidents have a strong chance of awarding the injured party compensation.

Accidents in Bournemouth’s Public Places Causing Chest Injury

When you’re visiting a business in Bournemouth, such as a supermarket, attending a school, or dining in a restaurant, the owner of the premises has a duty of care to your health. Quite often, patrons are injured by slipping, tripping, or falling. This can be from wet floors, objects obstructing pathways, or even loose cabling. Generally, these types of injury are minor, but they can become severe. Similarly, poorly maintained shelving and displays can cause objects to fall and crush members of the public, which can in turn result in major injuries especially, if they are to the chest area.

Chest Injury Causes – Road Traffic Accidents

If you’ve suffered an injury in a road traffic accident in Bournemouth, chances are it has affected more than one part of your body. Whilst we typically think of whiplash injuries, our chest is also vulnerable in high-speed collisions, where the seatbelt stops us, but our organs continue to shift. Other road users are vulnerable to chest injuries, where there is no chest protection. Motorcycle riders, cyclists, and pedestrians all stand to suffer significant injury from crashes, especially to the chest.

personal injury compensation claim solicitors Bournemouth
Get The Most Compensation Possible For Your Injury

Chest injuries are seriously dangerous, regardless of how they’ve been sustained. If you’re not the cause of the accident in Bournemouth, we can help you claim compensation. Call us on 01202 147 438^ to speak to our injury claims team and get a free assessment of your case.

Chest Injuries – Different Forms

If you have experienced a chest injury, chances are you’d have suffered from broken ribs or organ damage. In particular, broken ribs can puncture said organs, requiring emergency medical assistance, and potentially causing death. Organs, like your heart, lungs, and critical arteries, need to be running constantly for us to survive, and any interruption to them can prove fatal.

Chest injuries aren’t just caused by physical afflictions, industrial diseases can also injure the chest and the vital organs within it. The most common types of occupational illness affecting the chest area are Mesothelioma, COPD, work-caused Asthma, and lung disease. In these situations, your employer, current or past, may be liable for your illness, and compensation could be due to you.

chest injury compensation claim solicitors accident claims Bournemouth

Even if the type of chest injury isn’t fatal, it can leave you with long-term debilitating conditions, like Musculoskeletal Disorders and breathing conditions. That’s why it is imperative that you seek the assistance of our Bournemouth injury claim solicitors**. We’ll help you with your medical records to establish the severity of your chest injury and the likely long-term complications it can cause. We’ll use this to inform an estimate of your potential compensation. Get started with your recovery now by calling 01202 147 438^.

Chest Injury Claims in Bournemouth

When you’re ready to make your claim for chest injury compensation, call our expert Bournemouth team on 01202 147 438^ to get started. We make the claiming process simple so that you can focus on the details that matter. We’ll help you with medical record, witnesses and establishing liability, all from the comfort of your own home. Get in touch today to begin your claim.

As with most personal injury claims, there is a 3-year limit on making a chest injury claim, which is imposed by the courts. It may seem like a long time, but some claimants could be out of commission with their injuries for some time as they recover. The main thing is that you don’t delay in making your claim to avoid missing out on your deserved compensation awards.

No Win, No Fee Chest Injury Compensation

Not only do we offer no up-front costs for our guidance and claim assessments, but we also provide our personal injury services on a no win, no fee* basis. This means that you won’t have to worry about losing money if your claim is unsuccessful. This is because we take out an after the event insurance policy on your claim. It covers our costs in the event your claim fails, and you don’t lose out on anything.

Contact Our Bournemouth Team to Start Your Claim for Chest Injury Compensation

If you’re ready to start your claim for a chest injury, either for yourself, or on the behalf of a loved, all you need to do is call 01202 147 438^. Our Bournemouth personal injury experts will help you with every aspect of your claim. You can also send a message through our contact us form, and we’ll call you to discuss your claim.

Get in touch today and get the compensation you deserve.

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